What is the format of research proposal

What Is the Format of Research Proposal?

What is the format of the research proposal?

A research proposal is a document that outlines the plan for a research project. It usually includes a summary of the problem, background information, the proposed methodology, and analysis and conclusion.

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Research Proposal Format or Outline

Here is the most common outline of a research proposal.

  1. Introduction
  2. Background/Review of the Literature
  3. Rationale
  4. Method and Design
  5. Procedure and Analysis
  6. Significance and Conclusion
  7. References

Let’s get into the details of each one.


In this part, the researcher explains the background of the research problem, the significance of the problem, and the purpose of the study.

Here, you will also need to explain why this area is important to the general area under study.

Background/Review of the Literature

The researcher needs to provide an overview of related work and the context in which the study will be conducted. 

This section is where you need to give a historical background, cite previous studies on the topic, and review current research.


In this section, the researcher should state the problem or issue that prompted the study. 

Here, you will also provide a rationale for your study (why is it important?). 

You can explain why your study is important, how it relates to existing work, and how it can be helpful to society.

Method and Design 

Here is the part where you explain how you are going to conduct your research (e.g., experimental, phenomenological). 

At this point, you need to describe the design of your study in as much detail as possible. If it is an experimental study, describe how you are going to randomize participants and what your control group will look like. 

If it is a qualitative study, explain why you are going to choose that method and what you expect from your data. You also need to discuss how you are going to analyze your data at the end of the study.

In this section, it is also a good idea to explain what kind of ethical issues might come up while conducting research (e.g., deception in experiments).

Procedure and Analysis

This section provides a detailed description of all steps involved in conducting research (e.g., conducting interviews or administering surveys). 

For example, if it is a survey-based study, provide details on who will administer surveys and how they will do that. 

In addition, let readers know how long participants will take part in the research. In this part, researchers should also provide information on what kinds of data will be collected.

Significance and Conclusion 

In this section, you need to discuss the significance of your study and how it will contribute to the existing body of knowledge. 

Here, you should provide a summary of the work and highlight its strengths. You also need to point out limitations or possible future directions for research.


This is where you cite all references used in your paper. Here, readers will find all information about your sources, such as their authors and titles, and page numbers.


Writing a research proposal is a difficult task that requires a lot of time and effort. 

Therefore, if you are looking for someone to write your essay for you, check out some blogs that can help you.

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