Product Development Workshop
What is the importance of a product development workshop? What is its purpose? How can you conduct one? To know more, read below.
Product Development Workshop
A product development workshop refers to a meeting among the core members of a business to discuss, brainstorm, or product ideas for new products. It is also known as an idea generation workshop or creative workshop. It is not just a meeting but it is a process.
Also, it aims to accomplish the following:
- This is conducted by the entire team who will be working on the new product. So, it gives all members of the team an idea of what they are supposed to do in developing a certain product.
- It will help you come up with great ideas and suggestions that can be used in the production of a certain product. This is important as you will be able to come up with something beneficial to your company.
- Further, it allows you to create a more effective base on which you can build your future products.
So, this proves to be beneficial especially when you are planning to conduct a focus group meeting. This is because you already have an idea of what questions should be asked in the meeting. And how each question should be answered. So that you will come up with a better product at the end of it.
Then, it also helps in eliminating some ideas and coming up with ideas that are more feasible and achievable for your company. This means that it will help you save time, money, and effort from being wasted on something that cannot work in reality.
Moreover, it is also helpful since it can provide information about what your consumers want from your company. With this information, you know what kind of products should be produced or manufactured by your company. So that it will give people what they want and benefit your company as well.
Product Development Workshop: Its components
A product development workshop has four components. The concept generation, evaluation, selection, and implementation.
Each component has its function in order for the workshop to be effective and efficient in providing results that are useful to your business or organization’s needs and objectives:
- Concept Generation. The first step involves concept generation wherein different individuals or groups are given tasks in generating concepts or ideas. This is for new products which can satisfy their business needs or objectives as well as their customers’ needs or wants.
- Evaluation. The next step involves evaluation wherein each of the concepts generated by participants were analyzed by them individually. This is according to their creativity level, feasibility, marketability, benefits, cost-effectiveness, etc.
- Selection. Then, the selection step involves selecting one concept from the previous step. This is based on the criteria and analysis from the evaluation step.
- Implementation. Lastly, the implementation step is where a product development team will be formed for the selected product idea. This team is given tasks to develop and produce a certain product or product line.
You can do several things to improve the results of your product development workshop. You can conduct surveys, questionnaires, and ask people around you.