Product Development vs Application Development

Product Development Group

Does your company already have a product development group in place? If not, who should you include in this group? Let us find out more below.

Product Development Group

To begin, a product development group is a team that focuses on creating a product most efficiently and cost-effectively possible. This group can be made up of individuals who specialize in different areas. 

For example, you have an electrical engineer. This electrical engineer can design a circuit board that will be used in your product. The next person on the team may be a mechanical engineer. This person is responsible for ensuring the design of the circuit board will fit your enclosure (or whatever you are using to protect the electronics). 

Then, the next person on the team may be a software engineer. This individual will write the code that runs on your circuit board, allowing it to communicate with other devices. Or maybe you are building a robot and need to program it to do specific tasks.  

Next, you would need someone on your team who is an embedded software developer. The product development group can include many other roles as well. For example, you have an industrial designer who will make sure that your product looks appealing and fits into its environment. 

Also, you have a marketing professional who will help you determine what features of your product are most important. So they can be highlighted in marketing materials. You also might have other roles included in your product development group such as graphic designers, quality assurance engineers. Or even business analysts who help determine how much your product should cost to produce, how much it should sell for, and more.

Of course, it all depends on what kind of products you are developing and how many people you need to build them.

The Importance of a Product Development Group

Why, then, is a product development group important? Firstly, it allows you to manage the design and development of a product. This is critical because it allows you to make sure that your idea is translated into a physical product in the best manner possible.

Secondly, a group will help keep costs down. You see, when you do not have a team of people who specialize in particular roles, you will have to hire an outside firm to take care of each aspect of the project. These companies will charge you for their work. 

Therefore, it is cheaper for you to hire individuals who are already trained and know what they are doing. This also helps you avoid having people who do not know what they are doing on your team. This can cause problems down the road.


So, if your company does not already have a product development group in place, you may want to consider adding one. A product development group can help you ensure that your idea is transformed into a product that you can sell. Additionally, it will allow you to keep costs down by having people who are experts in each area design and develop your product.

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